Lady L

Mother | Dance Athlete | Fitness Leader | People Connector | Bringer of Joy

But I wasn't always like this...

Obsessive about exercise and convinced that it was the answer to ALL my problems, I eventually realised that fitness alone aint enough

You need connection

Not the forced smiles and shallow conversations that leave you feeling drained. But the connections that keep you buzzing long after class ended. And this is what gets me charged up:

Vibin’ with you through fun and playful fitness

Wanna know what else is cool?

I can do the splits

I'm so flexible that I can help you:

- Get unstuck from boring workouts

- Loosen the unease you feel when meeting new people

- Stretch yourself to learn new ways of moving

Yes! Show me how!

If that bit above wasn’t impressive enough for you to act now, then I gotta say…

...I know your type

You're thorough

Well-researched so you're not pressured into buying something you don't want or need

You're intuitive

The little voice inside knows what's up. You feel it in your body - you get the shivers it's amazing

Because the last thing you want to do is tell your kids that you were fooled

Hear it from the people

Lady L's infectiously happy and welcoming personality instantly makes you feel at ease

I love the way she demonstrates the dance, slowing down the moves to make them easy to follow and giving everyone a chance to get comfortable before moving on. It's a great way to have fun, meet new people and I can't wait to learn more!
Kerrie J.
Mother of two

It was such a positive experience, I just want more!

I love her energy, friendly and warming persona. She's very encouraging and motivating and I felt comfortable trying something new. I’ve incorporated them into my dance program which I now share with my own community. I'm definitely coming back for more!
Pia C.
Mother of four

Besides being the people connector and bringer of joy, here's some other facts about me:

My favourite movie is the Last Airbender - meditation, spiritual guides, deeper meanings of everything and more... all that is my JAM

I've been active my whole life... except that time when Mum and I rode a 2-seater push bike around Rarotonga (Cook Islands). Round trip from Nana's. It took hours. And my 7-year-old self did nothing but kick back and enjoy the warmth of the tropical sun on my skin.

Apart from that, I've developed Olympic-level discipline growing up as a competitive athlete. That means I'll help you stay the course especially when you feel like giving up.

L is for Louisa - shortened to a single letter to simplify your life. You're welcome 🙂

I'm excited!

Are You Excited?!

If you're reading this then it's obvious - you're thorough and you're my type of person

You + me = good vibes

Let's connect